Wednesday, August 26, 2009

*The Authority Of The Believer*
Faith-Power-Ministries International
*The Authority Of The Believer*

According to (Ephesians 6:12) we wrestle against principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness. These are evil spirits. Our combat with the devil should be with the confidence that we have authority over him. (Luke 10:19) Jesus says," I give you authority to tread on seperants and scorpions and over all power of the enemy." What is authority? Authority is Delegated Power.

(Ephesians 1:20-23) tells us when Christ was ascended, He transferred His Authority to the church. Christ is seated at the right hand of the father-place of Authority. The source of our Authority is found in the resurrection and exhortation and exaltation of Christ by God.

(Ephesians 2:5-6) deals with the conferring of authority. The authority was delegate not only in the body but also upon the head because the head and body are one. (Mark 16:17,18 and Revelation 12:11) show in three resources we use in exercising authority over the devil. They are the Name of Jesus the Word, and the Blood of Jesus.

The Authority is Yours whether you feel like you've got it or not. Authority has nothing to do with feelings. (Mark 16:18 & James 4:7) indicates that in exercising authority over the devil we must Resist him, then he will FLEE US.

I truly pray that this has Blessed you . Please take the time and continue reading through our web-site and Please Sign our Guest-Book.. Thank you

Love & Prayers

Pastor Don Stewart II

*Quit Worrying & Give It To God*

Why do we tend to worry about the things we cannot change? We only need to remember that God has our lives arranged. For He new us when we were being formed within our mother's womb. He planned our life ahead of time from our birth until the tomb.

Remember He knows our problems and our fears we have to face each day. We need to just Trust that He'll walk beside us and know He'll be with us every step of the way. When we think we can't get through the day and let despair set in our way. We just need to Look above and ask for the Help that He's always ready to send our way.

Rather then placing our trust in God , we often think we can do it alone. This is just part of our human nature; the sin of pride as it is known. God Loves us dearly and wants to help us; He's just a Prayer away..

Let's call upon His wonderful name; Yahweh( I Am Lord), Abba Father, Jehovah-Shalom(Lord Of Peace) El Elyon (The God Most High) He'll get us through our day.. through the storm's of life. For He is our Redeemer, Our Messiah, Our Mighty King!

I have had many days I thought I would never get through. BUT when I stopped and talked to God , He said,"I'm here for/with you." When I heard His tender soft voice, it gave me the Strength I needed. With GOD you CAN'T be Defeated!

Remember there is No worry or Problem that's too Large or to Small for our Lord to handle. Remember that on our darkest days, His LOVE is like a candle. His Love for us will light our way with the Beam so very Bright.. No Matter what we have to face, God will help us WIN the fight..

Beloved Our Jehovah-Jireh is in Control

for He is Our Provider!!!

Glory be to GOD!!

Peace and Joy be with you always

Pastor Elisabeth Stewart

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